Kangen® 8 adalah mesin antioksidan paling kuat Enagic® saat ini dengan menampilkan 8 platinum berbalut piringan titanium untuk meningkatkan ionisasi air dan peningkatan potensi produksi antioksidan. Nikmati mesin Kangen Water® ini di rumah Anda. Jika Anda sedang mencari yang mesin air kangen yang kuat, serbaguna, banyak fitur, Kangen® 8 adalah untuk Anda.


Model name / number

Leveluk Kangen 8 / A26-00


8 Language Display & Audio

Water source connection

1-way diverter (TAP/ION) connects to the end of faucet

Power Supply

100-240V AC 50/6-Hz 2.6 – 1.1A
Worldwide Multi-Voltage Power Supply, with Interchangeable Plug Capability

Power consumption

Energy Saving – Low Input, High Output
Approx. 230W (under maximum electrolysis function)


Continuous Ionized Electrolysis Water Generator System (with built-in flow rate sensor)

Production rate (liter(s)/minute)

Kangen Water: 4.5-7.5Acidic water: 1.5-2.6Strong Acidic water: 0.6-1.1

Level Selections

Kangen Water® / 3 levels (approx. pH 8.5-9.5)
Clean water (pH 7)
Acidic water (approx. pH 5.5-6.5)
Strong Acidic water (approx. pH 2.4-2.7)
Strong Kangen water (approx. pH 11.0)

Electrolysis Capability (continuous use)

Approx. 30 min at normal room temperature

Cell cleaning method

10 Second Automatic Cleaning with On-Screen E-Cleaning Instructions

Applicable water quality and pressure

Municipally supplied drinking water: dynamic range in 50kpa – 500kpa

Electrolysis Enhancer

Forced dissolving type additive system (One time addition produces approx. 1.0-1.3 gallons of Strong Acidic water.)

Enhancer Refilling

Indicates by voice, buzzer and LCD


Current Limiter/Voltage Stabilizer/Thermal Protection

Electrode material

Platinum coated Titanium

Electrode plates


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